[W5SFA] Reminder: Meeting Tomorrow Night

Dan White dan at dandlfarms.com
Tue Oct 27 13:07:00 CDT 2015

We will have one (1) technician test to give.

From: Roger Klein 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:17 AM
To: 'Mail List for the W5SFA Radio Club' 
Subject: [W5SFA] Reminder: Meeting Tomorrow Night

Fellow W5SFA'ers:


A quick reminder that our last meeting of 2015 will be Wednesday evening at Yani's.  You know the drill...dinner at 6, meeting at 7.  I believe we will have a tester as well.


Here is the agenda - let me know if you have any additions.


Old Business:

                Follow-up on Special Event Station

                                We received 10 QSL requests, and 5 certificate requests.   Ron, Dan and I are working on mailings.

                                Logs were uploaded to LoTW last week, we got 57 confirmations. 

                                Letter/donation/picture for State Historic Park

                Repeater Update (Dan)


New Business:

                Banquet date/location in January

                2016 Club Activities

                                Another Special Event Station?

                                ARRL National Parks on the Air event- activate LBJ National Historical Park, Big Thicket, Padre Island, or Waco Mammoth?

                                Group 6m, 2m or 70 cm Yagi antenna build

                                Field Day

                                Other ideas?




Roger N5RWK

w5sfa mailing list
w5sfa at w5sfa.org
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