[W5SFA] Balloon Stuff and all things digital coms

David Gilpin dkgilpin at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 15 16:55:34 CDT 2022

We have been learning from a lot from the South Texas Ballppn LaunchTeam today. Check out  https://ham-radio-tech-notes.groups.io/g/main to stay tuned into their activities. Great bunch of guys, love mentoring. Today they are flying an APRS balloon tracker with a sdtv transmitter, slow scan, which right now is flying along I-45 traveling towards Galveston. Check out flight id K5WH-12 at URL aprs.fi, and take a look at track and telemetry. Then check URL wlankabel.com and watch the pictures come down. This is a hooot!73 David W5FUY

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