[W5SFA] Fw: Your order is on its way (#11866)

Dan White dan at dandlfarms.com
Tue Aug 2 22:20:32 CDT 2022

Your order has been shipped.Ray,

I ordered one of these so when the club launches theirs we can launch a second one to see if they go the same place. This one has the larger solar panels so says runs for about 10 hours.


From: ZachTek 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2022 11:13 AM
To: dan at dandlfarms.com 
Subject: Your order is on its way (#11866)

                        Your order has been shipped. 
                        You can see the items that have been sent to you and track your shipment below. Thanks for shopping with us.  
                              Order No. 11866  Placed on Aug 1, 2022  
                                Shipping to  
                                Dan White  
                                FM 949  
                                Cat Spring, Texas, 78933 
                                United States  
                                dan at dandlfarms.com 
                        Shipped Items  
                                  USB to Serial adapter and cable. 
                                SKU: 1032 
                                Price: $7.00 
                             Qty: 1 $7.00 
                                  WSPR-TX Pico Transmitter with large solar cells 
                                SKU: #1036x1 
                                Single or pack: Single (1pcs) 
                                Price: $119.00 
                             Qty: 1 $119.00 
                              Postnord Tracking #: RR819769287SE   Track Shipment  
                              Subtotal $126.00 
                              Shipping $18.00  
                              Tax $0.00  
                              Total $144.00 
                              Need Assistance? Contact us. 
                              We'll do everything we can to make sure you have a great experience with us. 
                              Call us: +46 763166773 
                              Email us: harry at zachtek.com 
                              This email was sent by ZachTek 
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