[W5SFA] Proposal to review at the March Meeting

Dan White dan at dandlfarms.com
Mon Mar 22 19:37:29 CDT 2021

The repeater is not installed now. Roger has repaired it.  Dan, W5AOV

From: Buckeroo Brad 
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 5:31 PM
To: Mail List for the W5SFA Radio Club 
Subject: Re: [W5SFA] Proposal to review at the March Meeting

I'm on a hill and can not get a return ping on .146.96  I see I need to get active here.

On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 7:54 PM jack bates <k5frt33 at gmail.com> wrote:

  I don't know if any member could hit the Houston repeater from their shack.  I don't see the need for a repeater in the Houston site.

  On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 7:22 PM Gary Baldwin <kf5zrt at gmail.com> wrote:

    Greetings to all.  The following message is information on the Houston Repeater site.  Please review Roger's proposal and we can discuss at our March meeting.  As a club we need to come to a resolution for this issue.  I appreciate the input from all that responded with their input over the past few weeks.  Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting at Joe's Italian in Brenham on the 31st.


    Gary - KF5ZRT

    Club Members,

    We’ve received pretty good input on the discussion about the downtown Houston repeater location (and more is welcome).  At this point I’d like to put a specific proposal before the club that we can discuss, and hopefully vote on at the March meeting.

    To address the question Kat raised about retaining the 146.96 Mhz frequency if we move to the new Wallis location,  I contacted our coordinator at the Texas VHF/FM Society.   The answer I received was yes – we can simply relocate the repeater site and keep our current frequency, since it will not interfere with any other repeater using that frequency.  This simplifies the move quite a bit, since we will be able to use the downtown Houston ”cans” and rack at the new location.

    So this is the specific proposal I’d like the club to discuss on March 31:

    Move the downtown Houston repeater location and related equipment to the new Wallis site as soon as it is ready, retaining the 146.96 Mhz frequency.  Replace the old Icom FR-3000 VHF analog repeater with a DR-2X Fusion repeater. 

    I hope to achieve the following goals by making this move:

    ·         Better efficiency:  repeater locations will be geographically closer together, easily  accessible and more easily monitored

    ·         Easier maintenance by having standardized equipment and setup; also remote access to diagnose and correct problems without making a house call at the repeater site

    ·         An improved, overlapping coverage area: If you can’t hit one repeater you may be able to reach one of the others.  Also, the Wallis location should still easily reach into west and southwest Houston.

    Assuming the club endorses the above, we can then deal with secondary things like:

    ·         The disposition of the downtown Houston location

    ·         Deciding if we still need the Columbus site (Wallis may be able to provide equivalent coverage in its place, but we don’t know that yet)

    ·         Improving upon our setup by internet linking the repeaters for C4FM digital communications to reduce lag, and use Wires-X for remote access and linking an analog repeater.

    ·         Installing the 146.96 repeater at a temporary location during the interim (this will enable us to test internet linking and keep the repeater active while we wait for Wallis to become available)

    This is probably one of the bigger decisions the club has made in recent years, so comments and feedback from all members is appreciated.  Please try to make the club meeting on March 31.  Or if you can’t make it, please make your thoughts known on the reflector.


    Roger N5RWK 
    w5sfa mailing list
    w5sfa at w5sfa.org


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