[W5SFA] Field Day this weekend

Gary Baldwin kf5zrt at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 12:00:07 CDT 2020

Thanks Roger.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 11:53 AM Roger Klein <rwklein at katyweb.net> wrote:

> Members,
> ARRL Field Day is this weekend, and runs from *Saturday*, *1 pm CDT* thru
> *Sunday*, *4 pm CDT* – a total of 27 hours.
> Because of the Coronavirus, the ARRL relaxed the rules this year so home
> stations (Class D) can contact other home stations.  There will be lots of
> activity on the bands, so I encourage you to participate – even for a few
> QSO’s.  You can operate SSB, CW or Digital, including FT8.
> If you want to use FT8 for Field Day, this link will be helpful:
> https://www.albemarleradio.org/2020/05/12/ft8-field-day/
> The Field Day exchange is simple:  the number of transmitters, the class
> you are operating, and our ARRL section.  For most members operating from
> home then, the exchange you’d send is:  “1D STX”, or “One Delta, Sierra
> Tango Xray”  (meaning one transmitter, class D, South Texas Section).
> You can keep a paper log with each contact’s call sign, UTC time,
> frequency, mode (CW, SSB or Digital) and the remote station’s exchange
> information.  Alternatively, you can use logging software (the one I use is
> https://www.n3fjp.com/fieldday.html but there are many others available.
> When field day is over, file your log at
> http://field-day.arrl.org/fdentry.php   You can either key in your log
> data manually (if you did a paper log) or upload a Cabrillo file produced
> from the logging program you used.  Use “W5SFA Radio Club” in the club
> field, and the ARRL will automatically tally up our club’s score (so we’ll
> get a mention in QST).  Or, just send your log to me and I’ll submit it for
> you.
> 73,
> Roger N5RWK
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