[W5SFA] Banquet Reminder - and Antenna Fair?

Donald Hodges donaldhodges7 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 08:21:38 CST 2015

Roger - Bogged down at work. It doesn't look like we will be able to attend
this year. - Donald Hodges

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 4:08 PM, Linda Pleasant <linda.pleasant at gmail.com>

> Carl and I are planning on attending the Radio Club party. Will bring a
> vegetable dish & rolls.
> Linda Pleasant
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Roger Klein <rwklein at katyweb.net> wrote:
>> W5SFA members,
>> Just a quick reminder about the upcoming banquet on Jan. 24 at
>> Cameron's.  Please respond to the group if you're planning to attend, how
>> many people are coming, and what you'll be bringing.
>> I also want to suggest we have a "portable antenna fair" set up outside
>> if the weather cooperates.  The idea would be to bring whatever portable
>> antenna you have, and set it up for display.  It would be cool to see and
>> compare the various types of antennas we all have.  If you've been thinking
>> about buying or building an antenna this would be a easy way to get some
>> ideas.  Participation is voluntary...HF, VHF and UHF...bring whatever you
>> want to show off.
>> Thanks,
>> Roger
>> N5RWK
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