[W5SFA] Austin County Jail Museum Operation

Gilbert Franke g.a.franke at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 15:58:30 CDT 2017

Well, it looks like I missed a powerful meeting!  I'm very interested in
the BuildNight; I've got a few questions about the project.  I'll talk to

The Jail Museum operation is really exciting!  And on Market Day in May!!
We should have a lot of people looking in!  The only problem I have is that
is also Maifest parade and our granddaughter will be in it.  It should be
over by noon, so I will be back in the afternoon.  I'm not sure how much I
can help with before the parade, but if I have some time, I'll come down
before we take off for Brenham.

Let us know if you schedule a scouting trip to the Jail.

73, de WB5RFQ Gil

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Roger Klein <rwklein at katyweb.net> wrote:

> Folks,
> A quick update on the Jail Museum operation we discussed at our last
> meeting:  Bruce KM5OG has confirmed that Saturday, May 6 is a good date for
> the Jailhouse Museum Event.   We'd set up starting at 8 am, and operate
> until 3 pm when the museum closes.
> Rather than a formal special event, our operation would be a demonstration
> station where we would make contacts and show off ham radio to people
> passing through - and of course socialize and have some fun!  We'll operate
> at least one station, more if there is sufficient interest.
> I'd like to make sure we have enough participation to do the event on this
> day, so *please let me know if you are (or are not) going to be there*.
> If we have sufficient interest to move forward, we'll schedule a trip to
> the Jail Museum to plan where we will set up radios, antennas, etc in the
> near future.
> Thanks, and hope to hear from y'all shortly!
> Roger N5RWK
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Gilbert A Franke <http://www.gilbertfranke.com>
(361 442 6008 - cell)
130 N Harris Street
Bellville TX  77418
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