[W5SFA] FW: Allstar meeting - N5MBM - 2/13/2016 11am

Roger Klein rwklein at katyweb.net
Fri Feb 12 09:25:51 CST 2016



Passing this along, see event below.


Roger N5RWK


From: William Hielscher [mailto:w.hielscher at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 7:56 PM
To: Roger Klein
Subject: Fw: Allstar meeting - N5MBM - 2/13/2016 11am




Thanks-see you Saturday.


On Thursday, February 11, 2016 7:00 PM, Mr. Possum (Bill) <flatpossum1231 at yahoo.com> wrote:


Good news - I got something put together for this Saturday!  Please pass the word along to anyone you THINK may be interested.  I am trying to fill at least 15 chairs...

Basics of AllStar presentation 2/13/2016


When: Saturday 2/13/2016 @ 11:00am (1-2 hours depending on how far off topic we get!)


Where: Los Cabos Mexican Grill & Steak House (Private room)
2800 Hwy 36 Brenham, Texas 77833 (979) 836 9508 



Bring with you:

Big Chief tablet and a pencil

HT if you have one programmed to 441.800 PL103.5

Come hungry and bring money for lunch

Your curiosity and an open mind to a new and different way of doing things.


What to expect:

1) A basic explanation of what Allstar/Echolink/IRLP are and the differences between them. 

2.	We will go over how to use the local Allstar nodes available to you and modes of operation.

3.	We will go over hardware requirements.

4.	Having your own node vs. using a local node.

5.	Common sense courtesy and putting things back the way they were when you leave a node.


Question and answer period after the lunch meeting.



I have reserved a room for a couple of hours. Tell your friends, pass the word, everyone is invited to attend. This will be an introduction to Allstar and its uses for newbies.








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