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<pre>Greetings to all.
Just a follow-up reminder,
We are set for Radio in the Park on June 19th. Location
Margaret Chesley Memorial Park, 204 North Miller St, Bellville, Texas
77418 Start at 8:00 am until Noon or so depending on turnout.
All hams and interested parties are invited. Bring your station and
setup or try your hand on a station on site. We will have digital
HF(FT8 & PSK31), voice HF and possible D-Star radio. If you just want an
eyeball QSO, that works also.
As before coffee and doughnuts will be the order of the day.
<font size="+3" color="#ff0037">Bring that new radio you received for Fathers Day!!!!!!
Questions-Contact Gary Baldwin or Ray Meech.
Gary Baldwin KF5ZRT