[W5SFA] Fwd: W5SFA group

Gilbert Franke g.a.franke at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 16:34:32 CDT 2024

Hi Joe, Mike, and all,

I use a DRAWS HAT with my Raspberry Pi.  It is a hardware platform that
puts several amateur radio related apps on a single board.  This is what I
use for tracking the balloon projects with WSJT-X. It handles JS8Call,
DireWolf and a lot of other things I know nothing about!    The DRAWS HAT
handles digital control to my IC-7100.  Other programs can be installed,
but I haven't gotten into that yet.

Gil WB5RFQ  (Mike, I'm the guy who came to the meeting late and sat at the
end of the table.)

On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 3:02 PM Joe Cucuzza <cucuzza18 at gmail.com> wrote:

> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: W5SFA group
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:57:57 -0500
> From: Joe Cucuzza <Cucuzza18 at Gmail.com> <Cucuzza18 at Gmail.com>
> Reply-To: Cucuzza18 at Gmail.com
> To: Mike Eason <mikeeason at me.com> <mikeeason at me.com>
> Hi Mike
> I'm glad that you could make it to the meeting.
> I asked about the Raspberry Pi because I saw your handheld.  I am using my
> Pi in a setup called Pi-Star.  It enables me to use my Yaesu FTM-3200DR
> (Digital) to get to the repeater over the internet.
> I'm a little too far away even on high power, to reliable "hit" the
> repeater.  I transmit on low power to the Pi.  The Pi connects to the
> repeater via a WiFi connection to my wireless router.
> Roger (N5RWK) uses his Pi when he is traveling and out of range of the
> repeater.
> The basic Raspberry Pi is a small simple computer.  It is not fast by
> modern standards, but it gets the job done at a low relatively price.  It
> is about the size of a deck of cards.
> There are no fees after the purchase.  I connect to you local WiFi either
> wirelessly or wired.
> Here is a link to the one I have:
> https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/
> I don't know much about the other models.
> Maybe someone in the club can jump in and explain the other models.
> As far as set up, it depends on what you want to do with it.  You can buy
> one with the memory chip already loaded with the basic Raspberry Pi (Linux)
> operating system.
> It will boot up with a MS Windows like display.  Linux is definitely not
> Microsoft.  There are similarities.  Linux came from Unix. Windows copied
> and renamed a lot of the Unix commands. (I'm off the soap box now:)
> There are a lot of accessories you can add to the pi.  They plug into the
> motherboard.  I suggest waiting to buy a case, because depending what you
> add to the Pi can make the basic case obsolete. If you do buy a simple
> case, buy a plastic case.  A metal case looks great, but forget WiFi
> working.  Ask me how I know (:
> There are many YouTube videos, some 30 seconds, some 30 minutes.  I hope
> to not get you into the information overload mode.
> This link focuses on Ham Radio:
> https://w6aer.com/getting-started-with-raspberry-pi-applications-and-projects-for-ham-radio-operators/
> 73
> Joe  KA8WEP
> On 8/30/2024 10:06 AM, Mike Eason wrote:
> Joe, I forgot to mention I am using the Yaesu handheld FT-70D radio
> Mike A. Eason
> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 30, 2024, at 9:49 AM, Mike Eason <mikeeason at me.com>
> <mikeeason at me.com> wrote:
> Hello Joe…. I enjoyed meeting you at the meeting this week. I sat next to
> you. I am intrigued by your recommendation about Raspberry Pie. I looked
> briefly on line and saw some kits, but i would prefer to get one already
> assembled. Questions…
> 1) Once i have that are there monthly fees to use it or does it connect to
> my home wifi or phone?
> 2) can you recommend one to me?
> 3) is it easy to set up?
> Thx so much.
> Mike A. Eason
> 713-870-5335
> Sent from my iPad
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Gilbert A Franke <http://www.gilbertfranke.com>
(361 442 6008 - cell)
130 N Harris Street
Bellville TX  77418
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