[W5SFA] UPDATE: Repeaters are up; Net will take place tonight at 7 pm

Roger Klein rwklein at katyweb.net
Tue Aug 17 16:19:52 CDT 2021

Well, after I sent out the last email I got a call from Ray Chislett - he
had just been notified that the AC and power had been fixed.  So I went up
to Bellville to verify, and the AC does seem to be working, but most of the
power outlets are still dead.


However I was able to hook up the UHF/VHF main repeater and amplifiers, so
we will be able to have the net tonight after all.  KE5FN Jim Scarbrough
will be officiating.


For now, the Wires-X uplink and the D-Star repeaters are powered off, until
the power issue is fixed.




Roger N5RWK

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