[W5SFA] System Fusion, Wires-X and the PDN Function

Roger Klein rwklein at katyweb.net
Sun May 31 13:51:04 CDT 2020



First, a disclaimer.  This note will mostly be of interest to those who have
the following Yaesu radios:  For mobile radios, the FTM-100DR, FTM-400DR and
the soon-to-be-released FTM-300DR.  For handheld transceivers, the FT2DR and
the FT3DR.  If you don't have one of these radios, you are welcome to
continue reading, but I won't be offended if you hit the delete key!


As you probably know, we recently linked Wires-X with the Bellville
repeater.  This means that the repeater is linked to the internet, so users
who are not in RF range can connect to our Wires-X room and communicate with
local users on RF as well as other remote users.  Many of you have been
experimenting with Wires-X and getting familiar with its capabilities such
as PDN functionality.  Problem is, Yaesu has a lot of confusing terminology,
and sometimes uses two words for the same thing - or the same word to mean
different things!  I found a web site that does a pretty good job clearing
up the confusion with terminology and acronyms.  Here's the web site:


Make sure to read the section about Portable Digital Nodes.  It starts about
2/3 of the way down the purple section.  Yaesu's use of the term "PDN" is a
masterpiece of confusion, since there is an overall PDN function on the
radios listed above.  However, there are two modes within it, one is also
named PDN mode and the other is HRI mode.  There are different keypress
sequences for these two modes when you power on your radio.   But here's an
important point:  to access the club's room (named W5SFA-ROOM, ID 63655),
your radio must be powered up in HRI mode, as follows:


FTM-100/FTM-400:  While holding down the GM and DX keys press the power

FT2D/FT3D:  While holding down the X and BACK keys, press the power button.


A good question at this point might be, "Why are we using HRI mode instead
of PDN mode?".  The reason is that HRI mode supports both both Analog and
Digital rooms, whereas PDN mode only supports Digital.  The more popular
rooms such as America Link and Texas Nexus support both Analog and Digital.
So if you are in PDN mode, you won't be able to connect to these rooms, nor


Hope the above helps clarify how Wires-X works.  Let me know if any




Roger N5RWK

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