[W5SFA] W5SFA October Club Meeting

Roger Klein rwklein at katyweb.net
Sun Oct 20 19:21:44 CDT 2019

Also, a reminder that the club's special event station at the San Felipe de Austin State Historic Site will be on Saturday, Nov. 2.  That’s less than two weeks away.  Operating times will be from 9 am  to 4 pm.  This will be concurrent with the onsite festivities celebrating S.F. Austin's 2265th birthday.  All are welcome to operate – all operating modes are fine.  Come out and join the fun or just observe!


The club event is in this month's QST magazine:


11/02/2019 | 196th Anniversary of the Founding of Austin's Colony in Texas and Stephen F. Austin's 226th Birthday

Nov 2, 1400Z-2100Z, W5SFA, San Felipe, TX. Stephen F. Austin Radio Club. 14.240 14.035 7.240 7.035. QSL. Roger Klein, PO Box 161, New Ulm, TX 78950. w5sfa.org


Operators should plan on arriving between 7:30 and 8 am for setup.


Let me know if any questions!




Roger N5RWK


-----Original Message-----
From: w5sfa [mailto:w5sfa-bounces at w5sfa.org] On Behalf Of Gary Baldwin
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2019 8:37 PM
To: W5SFA Reflector; Gary Baldwin
Subject: [W5SFA] W5SFA October Club Meeting


Good Evening All.


Just a reminder about our October Club Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 

October 30th at


Sealand in Brenham. Dinner @ 6:00 PM Meeting @ 7:00 PM.  Since we are 

meeting on Halloween Eve,


it has been suggested to wear your "Ham Radio Halloween costume"


Hope to see you there.








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