[W5SFA] Radio in the Park

Gary Baldwin kf5zrt at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 16:08:57 CDT 2019

Greetings to all.

We had our radio in the park today and a great time was had by all.  A 
great turn-out with members from our club and the Washington County 
Radio Club.  Four stations were setup and operating on 20 meters, 30 
meters and 40 meters.  Modes were CW, Phone and FT8.  Thanks to Dan 
W5AOV for bringing his D-Star radio with several International 
contacts.  Everyone was operating on battery power but we had 120 volt 
ac available if needed.

Thanks to Ray, Jack and Dennis for the hot coffee, donuts and koloches.

Thanks to all who came out today.  If you missed today, hopefully you 
can join us on our next outing.


Gary - KF5ZRT

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