[W5SFA] SKYWARN Training - Saturday Oct. 28 @ 1 pm, ACC

Roger Klein rwklein at katyweb.net
Sat Sep 30 17:39:39 CDT 2017

W5SFA Members,


SKYWARN <https://www.skywarn.org/>  training has been officially scheduled!
It will be held on Saturday, October 28 in the basement of the Austin County
Courthouse, starting at 1 pm.  The training will be approximately 2 and a
half hours, with one break.  Training materials will be provided, but you
might want to bring a pen/paper to take notes.


This training session is open to anyone - you don't need to be a ham to
participate.  So please spread the word about this to family, friends,
neighbors, etc.  


Important:  Please have folks RSVP via email to info at w5sfa.org if you plan
on participating, so we can get a good head count and have enough seating.


Thanks to Ray Meech WA5IWB and Ray Chislett W5RAC for getting this set up!




Roger N5RWK

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