[W5SFA] September Meeting Reminder (and Minutes from August 30, 2017 Meeting)

Roger Klein rwklein at katyweb.net
Mon Sep 25 11:46:16 CDT 2017

W5SFA Members,


The end of September is fast approaching, and so our monthly meeting.  As
usual, it will be this Wednesday at Yani's Steak House in Bellville, dinner
at 6 pm and meeting at 7 pm.


I've attached the minutes from the August meeting below.  


The Belton Hamexpo is coming up on October 6-7 (Friday-Saturday).  This is
one of the better hamfests for buying or selling goodies.  See
https://www.tarc.org/hamexpo   I'm planning to take our RV and tailgate, so
consider this the W5SFA "hospitality suite" and stop by.


This year's special event station is coming up on November 4, so let me know
if you would like to operate.  We will have at least one transmitter with an
amplifier to hopefully overcome the poor band conditions.  We'll talk more
about this at the meeting.


We'll also discuss changing the venue for the October meeting, and an
end-of-year (Nov or Dec) activity night.


Don't forget the Tuesday night net on the Bellville and Columbus repeaters,
and hope to see y'all on Wednesday!




Roger N5RWK




Minutes from August 30, 2017 W5SFA Meeting


The meeting was opened at 7:57.  There was no reading of the July meeting
minutes, nor a treasurer's report, as Kat Croker was unable to attend the


The Club's special event station is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 4 from 9 am
thru 4 pm at the San Felipe de Austin State Historic Site.  The announcement
has been uploaded to ARRL and will appear in the November QST (which will be
out in October).  We will use an amplifier for at least one station, and
will therefore need a generator.  We'll operate on 20m and 40m...also 80m if
there is interest.  If anyone wants to use a particular mode (CW or digital)
let me know so we can plan ahead for antennas and such.


Ray Meech will follow up with the coordinator for Skywarn training.  This
will likely take place sometime in the 4th quarter 2017, or 1st quarter 2018
depending on the coordinator's schedule.


Ray Meech and Jack Bates raised the issue of RFI interference caused by the
Bluebonnet Electric meters.  Jack sees S6 noise across most of the ham
bands, and has identified these meters as the culprit.  Dan White advised
contacting the communications department in Bluebonnet and escalating the
call to someone in management.


Darryl Strader asked if the club has any kind of communications net set up
for emergencies.  Currently the club has nothing set up.  A discussion
followed about RACES and ARES, and there was general agreement that these
were too structured and formal.   An less formal communications net could be
set up provided there is interest.  We'll  have further discussion about


Earl McIntyre took and passed the Technician Exam.  Congratulations to Earl!
His new call sign is KG5UXH.  




Jack Bates K5FRT

Ron Beauregard K1PEC

Joe Cucuzza KA8WEP

Skip Ferguson K5LLR

Roger Klein N5RWK

Ray Meech  WA5IWB

Bruce Mitchell KM5OG

John Parmalee K5VGM

Darryl Strader   KG5ITZ

Debbie Strader  KG5JPR

Brad Taylor  KF5NNZ

Dan White W5AOV

Linda White W5LBW



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