[W5SFA] Fwd: [All-members] 2017 CSVHFS Proceedings sneak peak

JParmalee at aol.com JParmalee at aol.com
Sat Jul 8 20:22:48 CDT 2017

I don't  know if the reflector will take this or not but here is a try:

CSVHFS  Members — 

Follows  is  a sneak peak of the 2017 Central States VHF Society Conference 
 Proceedings book.  A superb collection of VHF/UHF/microwave papers on a  
variety of topics.  

If  you are unable to make the conference in Albuquerque, but would like to 
 purchase a copy of the Proceedings for your bookshelf, your collection, or 
for  a friend/club, you are invited and encouraged to order one or more 
copies for  shipment to your home QTH.  Visit _http://2017.csvhfs.org_ 
(http://2017.csvhfs.org/) , go to the  registration form, provide your name and 
address, then scroll down to the  “Options for those not attending” section to 
select the number of copies you’d  like to order.

Brian  N5ZGT

Table of Contents 
.......................................................................................................................................  iii 
Officers and Directors  
Committees and Programs  
...........................................................................................................  v 
Conference Staff  
Schedule of Events  
......................................................................................................................  vii 
Biographies  .........
The NN7AZ Story: Remotely Operated 2m EME and Beyond; Ned Stearns,  AA7A, 
Larry Loen, WO7R  
..........................................................................................................  11 
Anglian 3L 144MHz Transverter; Sam Jewell, G4DDK/ W5DDK  
...............................................  14 
Identifying the Useful Frequency Range of an Unknown Double  Balanced 
Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, KØCQ  
........................................................................................  20 
HP8640B Frequency Doubler; Dr. Gerald Johnson  
....................................................................  21 
Low Impedance  Parallel Wire Transmission Lines Originally in VHFer in  
1966 but still 
applicable; Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, KØCQ  
......................................................................  22 
OE9PMJ 24, 47, 75.5, and 78 GHz Filter Dimensions and  Construction; 
Dr. Gerald Johnson, KØCQ  
............................................................................................  27 
What Is It?; Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, KØCQ  
................................................................................  30 
Really! There’s No Such Thing as a Free Dish; Rick Rosen, K1DS  
...........................................  32 
Foliage Attenuation at V/UHF & Microwave; Ben Lowe, K4QF  
.................................................  36 
WSJT-X Mode MSK144 and VHF Contesting; Tony Emanuele, K8ZR  
...................................... 43 
Improving the Transmit Performance of the UT5JCW (Ukranian) 222MHz  
Bill Schwantes, W7QQ, and James Duffey, KK6MC  
......................................................  48 
High Performance Lightweight Portable Yagi Antennas for  VHF-UHF; 
Rick Campbell, KK7B  
......................................................................................................  51 
Square Four Aerials; Rick Campbell, KK7B  
................................................................................  60 
The Vintage Tour; Rick Campbell KK7B, Jim Davey K8RZ, and Ana  Rugani, 
K7XNA .............. 66 
A Microcontroller Based Power Distribution Unit for Solid State  
Charlie Betz, NØAKC  
......................................................................................................  70 
A Microcontroller Based TR Sequencer; Charlie Betz, NØAKC  
.................................................  79 
A New Frontier: The Atlantic Tropo Duct; Wayne Overbeck, N6NB  
...........................................  89 
The 21 Foot EME Dish Project; Skip MacAulay, VE6BGT  
.........................................................  98 
Dual-band Feedhorn for AMSAT Phase 4; Paul Wade, W1GHZ  
..............................................  119 
Simple and Cheap Transverter for 10 GHz; Paul Wade, W1GHZ  
............................................  131 
Single-Stub Impedance Matching; Paul Wade, W1GHZ  
..........................................................  147 
Aircraft Scatter on VHF, UHF, and Microwave Frequencies: Increasing  
and Using Improved Tools to Increase Communications Distance and  Maximize 
Success; Roger Rehr, W3SZ  
........................................................................................  153 
AircraftScatterSharp – An Aircraft Scatter Assistance program for  
Roger Rehr, W3SZ  
........................................................................................................  182 
2016 Western Pacific 6m EME DXpedition: An Operation Celebrating 50  Years 
VHF DXing!  
...................................................................................................................  218 
2016 Antenna Measurement  
Results........................................................................................  238 
2016 Noise Figure Measurement Results  
.................................................................................  240



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