[W5SFA] Fwd: [BVARC] What you can do about H.R.555

Cam mitchl at mitchl.net
Thu Jan 19 22:17:19 CST 2017

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Peter Sauermilch via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> Date: January 19, 2017 at 7:37:06 PM CST
> To: BVARC <BVARC at bvarc.org>
> Cc: Peter Sauermilch <kd5qpx at gmail.com>
> Subject: [BVARC] What you can do about H.R.555
> Reply-To: BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> Judging by the recent traffic, there is a realization about the dangers of H.R.555. So, the question is, “What to do about it?”
> Contacting your Congressman/woman is a future requirment. Right now they are partying at the inauguration.
> However a place we need to start, RIGHT NOW, TONIGHT, is to tell the ARRL that we think that this is not in our self-interest. The ARRL Board meets tomorrow and Saturday largely to discuss this.  I just sent the email below to the league executives and directors. Their email addresses are below. Make your own email. Make it polite but very direct. Make it very much yours with your own words. Don’t copy mine as a mass distributed email to the board is of no value to you.
> If the ARRL doesn’t hear from members on a topic, they have every right to hold the position that they are doing a good job. Here, now they aren’t. We need to tell them so, RIGHT NOW.
> ~~~~~ARRL email list~~~~~~~~
> NY2RF at arrl.net, k5ur at aol.com, k0gw at arrl.net, bpmiles at gmail.com, w3tom at arrl.org, k3rf at arrl.org, w9xa at arrl.org, k9la at arrl.org, ka0ldg at arrl.org, k0BBC at arrl.org, k5uz at arrl.org, wb4rhq at arrl.org, wa8efk at arrl.org, w8wtd at arrl.org, n2ybb at arrl.org, w2udt at arrl.org, k0das at arrl.org, k0aiz at arrl.org, k1ki at arrl.org, k1twf at arrl.org, k7cex at arrl.org, ab7zq at arrl.org, w6rgg at arrl.org, k6jat at arrl.org, N2ZZ at arrl.org, N2COP at arrl.org, wy7fd at arrl.org, k0rm at arrl.org, gsarratt at arrl.org, n4zuw at arrl.org, n6aa at arrl.org, n6vi at arrl.org, k5rav at arrl.org, jrs at hamradio.us.com
>  ~~~~~My email~~~~~~~~
> The future of the league is in peril. The Amateur Radio Parity Act, H.R.555, has again been reintroduced in Congress without changed wording. My view is that this will end Amateur Radio in the United States as it will end amateur HF, satellite, and EME operations in the United States for anyone living under an HOA. That is most amateurs.
> This is being sold as requiring an HOA to consider an antenna request. Having been an HOA president I know that this means nothing. You receive the request; consider for some time; a very, very, very long time. You, the ARRL Board, know this too, or should. You are not stupid. What are you thinking? There is nothing in H.R.555 to motivate an HOA to behave otherwise. 
> Supposing that you know what you are doing, one then realizes that your vision for American Amateur Radio is limited to a Baofeng HT. That speaks very poorly of you. This quite likely will matter little because the ARRL will have a lifetime of about three years after this legislation becomes law, as it likely will. You will instantly become irrelevant once a large portion of U.S. hams abandoned their license, the ARRL, and you who have killed it. That should be about the year 2020.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~End of email~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Regards,
> Pete (KD5QPX)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 713-376-7277 Cell
> 281-980-3733 Hard Line
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