[W5SFA] Build Night - May 25, 2016

Gilbert Franke g.a.franke at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 16:46:39 CDT 2016

Thanks, Joe.  Good suggestions.  I've been wondering how to clean up the
top of chassis.

73, Gil WB5RFQ

On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Joe Cucuzza <jcucuzza at industryinet.com>

> Nice project. I suggest that you try 10, 9 volt batteries. They are 2 for
> a dollar at the Dollar Tree store in Brenham.  I bought 10 yesterday and
> they have good current drain under load.
> Try a dry toothbrush on the top of the chassis.
> I have more restoration info on the home computer.
> 73
> Joe
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Gilbert Franke <g.a.franke at gmail.com>
> Date: 4/30/16 2:06 PM (GMT-06:00)
> To: SFAustin Radio Club <w5sfa at w5sfa.org>
> Subject: [W5SFA] Build Night - May 25, 2016
> SFA Radio Club members --
> What a great idea:  Build Night!  I know that many of you are planning on
> Raspberry Pi projects, and that is exciting and cutting edge amateur radio
> technology.
> I have decided to go with older technology:  1946 Silvertone battery table
> top radio restoration.  This radio belonged to Beth's grandfather.  I have
> been moving it around since shortly after we got married, intending to
> restore it "someday."  Well, I decided Build Night is a good reason to get
> started.  Actually, I have done some work on the cabinet already, making it
> clean and functional while still keeping the aged and worn look.
> Beth and I are going to to a re-cap job
> <http://www.antiqueradio.org/recap.htm> on it for Build Night.  We are
> going to replace all the paper foil and electrolytic capacitors as the
> first step in the restoration of the electronics.  After that is done, we
> will be ready to get a 90 volt battery and test it out!  Here are some
> pictures.
> --
> ​de WB5RFQ Gil​
> ----
> Gilbert A Franke <http://www.gilbertfranke.com>
> (361 442 6008 - cell)
> 130 N Harris Street
> Bellville TX  77418
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Gilbert A Franke <http://www.gilbertfranke.com>
(361 442 6008 - cell)
130 N Harris Street
Bellville TX  77418
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