[W5SFA] Fw: Please READ NOW & reply As Soon As Possible

ron k1pec at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 7 13:24:55 CST 2015

Hi Cam,

I am having work done on the house and  will not have the antenna 
connected to the rig until the work is completed this week or next.

Ron, K1PEC

On 07-Nov-15 3:04 AM, Cameron wrote:
> FYI.
> *From:* Pete Sauermilch <mailto:petersauermilch at MYLINUXISP.COM>
> *Sent:* Friday, November 06, 2015 20:01
> *To:* AC5LB at arrl.net <mailto:AC5LB at arrl.net> ; 
> bob.softball74 at gmail.com <mailto:bob.softball74 at gmail.com> ; 
> BSBramble at gmail.com <mailto:BSBramble at gmail.com> ; 
> dnharper50 at gmail.com <mailto:dnharper50 at gmail.com> ; 
> infamousham at yahoo.com <mailto:infamousham at yahoo.com> ; 
> JDenison1 at comcast.net <mailto:JDenison1 at comcast.net> ; 
> Jeffrey.Swanson at att.net <mailto:Jeffrey.Swanson at att.net> ; 
> JGDTexas at ATT.net <mailto:JGDTexas at ATT.net> ; jrogeris at gmail.com 
> <mailto:jrogeris at gmail.com> ; jwdavis at mac.com <mailto:jwdavis at mac.com> 
> ; K5CAM at arrl.net <mailto:K5CAM at arrl.net> ; K5LJ at earthlink.net 
> <mailto:K5LJ at earthlink.net> ; K5PGF at yahoo.com <mailto:K5PGF at yahoo.com> 
> ; K9MRN at arrl.net <mailto:K9MRN at arrl.net> ; kartx98 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:kartx98 at gmail.com> ; kartx98 at yahoo.com 
> <mailto:kartx98 at yahoo.com> ; KD5QPX at arrl.net <mailto:KD5QPX at arrl.net> 
> ; KD5YOU at comcast.net <mailto:KD5YOU at comcast.net> ; KE5HOA at arrl.net 
> <mailto:KE5HOA at arrl.net> ; LawDon at consolidated.net 
> <mailto:LawDon at consolidated.net> ; LemoyneBoyer at hotmail.com 
> <mailto:LemoyneBoyer at hotmail.com> ; MCP1810 at AOL.com 
> <mailto:MCP1810 at AOL.com> ; mhkahl2 at aol.com <mailto:mhkahl2 at aol.com> ; 
> MHuckman at americas.sabic.com <mailto:MHuckman at americas.sabic.com> ; 
> mikebranna at aol.com <mailto:mikebranna at aol.com> ; MikeSWoods at AOL.com 
> <mailto:MikeSWoods at AOL.com> ; Mitchl at mitchl.net 
> <mailto:Mitchl at mitchl.net> ; MKellyWA9YNJ at CS.com 
> <mailto:MKellyWA9YNJ at CS.com> ; NT5SM at arrl.net <mailto:NT5SM at arrl.net> 
> ; omchealth at yahoo.com <mailto:omchealth at yahoo.com> ; 
> Peter.Sauermilch at ieee.org <mailto:Peter.Sauermilch at ieee.org> ; 
> PHudson at swbell.net <mailto:PHudson at swbell.net> ; REGoldy at hotmail.com 
> <mailto:REGoldy at hotmail.com> ; RGoldy at windstream.net 
> <mailto:RGoldy at windstream.net> ; Richard.L.Lambert at gmail.com 
> <mailto:Richard.L.Lambert at gmail.com> ; Robert.Hall at dads.state.tx.us 
> <mailto:Robert.Hall at dads.state.tx.us> ; Ronald.Fawcett at comcast.net 
> <mailto:Ronald.Fawcett at comcast.net> ; Ronald.Fawcett at shell.com 
> <mailto:Ronald.Fawcett at shell.com> ; SBMcKee at yahoo.com 
> <mailto:SBMcKee at yahoo.com> ; TonyMuscarello at aol.com 
> <mailto:TonyMuscarello at aol.com> ; W5HFF at yahoo.com 
> <mailto:W5HFF at yahoo.com> ; WB5EXI at ARRL.net <mailto:WB5EXI at ARRL.net> ; 
> WD8RZA at aol.com <mailto:WD8RZA at aol.com>
> *Subject:* Please READ NOW & reply As Soon As Possible
> Good Evening:
> DOD MARS is running a disaster exercise. The most intense time is 
> SUNDAY. They really, really, really want to talk to you.
> I’ve spoken with them. The DOD wants MARS to establish contact with 
> many Amateur Radio operators during the period 11/8 through 11/10 
> (Sunday through Tuesday). They plan to visit established HF nets. I 
> plan to be a liaison station at the OEM and check into the Texas RACES 
> net on SUNDAY, 2 PM local, 7.255 MHz. You are encouraged to check into 
> the Texas RACES net or the EMROG net that will start on Sunday, 1:45 
> PM on 145.49 MHz. As a liaison, I will relay between you and MARS. 
> (For the Texas RACES net you will need your Texas RACES number.)
> For each contact, MARS will request the following:
> - state/county name
> - status of the following services: power, water, sanitation, medical, 
> communications, and transportation
> I encourage any who wish to be at the OEM during this net to come, 
> just let me know. The HF radio will be made available even to those 
> without HF privilege as there will be a grade appropriate operator at 
> the “control point”.
> Source:
> ARRL News, 09/28/2015
> http://www.arrl.org/news/mars-invites-ares-races-participation-in-coronal-mass-ejection-disaster-exercise
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Snip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Event:
> MARS Invites ARES/RACES Participation in Coronal Mass Ejection 
> Disaster Exercise
> Body:
> A disastrous coronal mass ejection (CME) will be the focus of a 
> national Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) communication exercise 
> in early November, and MARS is hoping to collaborate with Amateur 
> Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency 
> Service (RACES) groups. The MARS exercise will get under way on 
> November 8 and continue into November 10. It will be a quarterly 
> contingency HF exercise in support of the US Department of Defense.
> “The exercise scenario will simulate a CME event and focus on actions 
> that radio operators should take prior to and following a CME event,” 
> explained Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY. “One thing 
> we want to continue to work on is the interface with the greater 
> Amateur Radio community.”
> CMEs are huge explosions of gas, plasma, and electromagnetic radiation 
> from the Sun, which are responsible for geomagnetic storms. Solar 
> flares can accompany CMEs, but they are not the same thing. A CME can 
> take anywhere from 1 day to 3 days to reach Earth. CMEs occur all the 
> time, but most bypass Earth with minor effects. A major CME that hits 
> Earth directly could damage or destroy satellites as well as 
> terrestrial communication and electrical power infrastructure.
> English said the November would simulate a radio blackout as well as 
> infrastructure damage. “During the exercise, we will simulate the 
> blackout with a 3 hour pause, and then we will bring stations back on 
> air and begin handling requests for information,” he told ARRL.
> Training objectives for this exercise will include understanding what 
> a CME is and how much forecast lead time can be expected; the effects 
> associated with a CME, and what precautions radio operators take to 
> protect their equipment, prior to a severe CME.
> After the simulated CME, operators will assess its effects and begin 
> reporting that information. This will involve “interoperation with 
> Amateur Radio operators and groups to assist in assessment.
> Amateur Radio operators, ARES, and RACES are encouraged to participate 
> in this exercise. Contact  MARS and provide your contact information, 
> if your organization group is interested.
> ~~~~~~~~~~ End of Snip ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Pete
> reply to: Peter.Sauermilch at IEEE.org
> (281) 980 - 3733 (home)
> (713) 376 - 7277 (mobile/SMS)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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