[W5SFA] Fw: silent key K8KP

Cameron mitchl at mitchl.net
Tue Nov 26 09:06:05 CST 2013

From: Kat Croker 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 07:40
To: Cameron Mitchell ; Cameron Mitchell 
Subject: Fw: silent key K8KP


Can you post this to the website and send out the group email? The link below worked for me last night, but there seems to be an issue with their website this morning. Hopefully, it will soon be resolved.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Joe Kalina's family during this difficult time.

I will update the roster with this Silent Key listing.

Kat Croker

  ----- Forwarded Message -----
  From: Linda Pleasant <linda.pleasant at gmail.com>
  To: Kat Croker <katcroker at yahoo.com>; Dan White <dan at dandlfarms.com> 
  Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 10:01 PM
  Subject: silent key K8KP


  Funeral is Tues afternoon at 1 PM at St. Roch Mentz TX

  Please share with club

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