The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


             An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas



Mailing Address:          12172 FM-949

Cat Spring, TX 78933


Meetings:                      Last Wednesday of each month


Repeaters:                    145.410     (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

444.875     (W5SFA – PL 103.5)


2001-02 Officers:         President, Carl Hickman, K50WC

Vice President, Dennis Alexander, W5KU

Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

Newsletter Editor/Publisher, Dave Jenkins, K5KX



  September 26, 2001


Meeting was called to order by the president, Carl Hickman, K5OWC at 1917 hours.  The minuets of the last meeting were read by Dan White, W5AOV.  Dave Jenkins, K5KX made a motion that the minuets be approved as read and it was seconded by Carl Pleasant, W5MPX.  Next the treasurers report was read and the balance was $158.08 in the bank.


Old Business:


The Sealy Lyons Bike Ride is to be held on Saturday the 29th of September.  All of those signed up to work should be at the park by 7AM unless you are going direct to your break point.


Dan, W5AOV talked about putting the DB-224 antenna on the American Tower at 1792 Clens Road, and it was tabled due to lack of funds.


New Business:


Insurance is due for the repeaters and is $138.00.  Dave, K5KX made a motion to pay the bill as is. It was seconded by Linda Pleasant, N5LXG and approved by voice vote.


We should mail this months news letter to inactive members and remind them that their dues are past due.


The “Survey Questions” that we were to send out this month to amateur operators in the surrounding counties have not arrived to be discussed.  Only Dave, K5KX sent in questions.  They are as follows:

1.     Do you belong to another Radio Club?

2.     Would you consider yourself an active member?

3.     What activities do you think a club should offer?

4.     What are your main amateur radio interests? VHF UHF HF Digital, etc.

5.     What county do you live in?

6.     Are there multiple licensed amateurs in your household?  If so, what are their callsigns?

Additional Questions could be:

7.     If Wednesdays are not a good night for a Club meeting what night would be?  What time?

8.     Are you interested in community service projects?  IE: Bike ride support,  Emergency Management, etc.


Mr. Rod Rethwisch of the Austin County Emergency Planning office asked us to provide them with a parts list for installing 20’ of Rohn 45 tower on top of the Austin County Courthouse.  I sent them a letter with all of the parts, prices and suppliers for the project.  Rod wants the Radio Club to install the tower and all associated cabling.  They purchased two antennas and coax that we suggested last year and are to installed on the tower.  One antenna will be used for EMS dispatch and the other will be used when our club operates during emergencies.  I have a DB-228 that I may donate to the project for the County to use which would give us two antennas to use.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Linda, N5LXG and seconded by Carl, W5NPX at 2007 hours.


Up Coming Events:


San Antonio, TX  -  N5TX pre-estate sale October 26 – 28.  contact:  texed@satx.rr.com

Sealy, TX – Novemberfest Bike ride – November 3.  contact: Robert Temple - WD5DBZ    (713) 632-8741 E-mail Address: rtemple@csc.com