The Stephen
F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.
An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and
Waller County Areas
Mailing Address: 12172 FM-949
Cat Spring, TX 78933
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each
Repeaters: 145.410 (W5SFA – PL 100.0)
444.875 (W5SFA
– PL 103.5)
2001-02 Officers: President, Carl Hickman, K50WC
Vice President, Dennis Alexander, W5KU
Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV
Newsletter Editor/Publisher, Dave
Jenkins, K5KX
October 31, 2001 Happy Halloween!
H., K5OWC, called the meeting to order at 1916 hours. The minuets were read for the September meeting. A motion was made by Dave, K5KX, and
seconded by Wade, W5TEN to accept the minuets as read. The Treasures report was given with a
balance of $195.08 with all bills paid.
The Sealy Lions Donated $150 to the Club for
the work they did on the Lions bike ride.
Tommie and Billie Maness donated $25 to support the repeater
operation. Thanks to all for your
tower installation on the courthouse is waiting on approval and purchase of
equipment by the Commissioners Court.
We plan on putting three to four antennas on the tower. Two antennas for our use and two for the EMS
and EOC use.
H. proposed to use one antenna at the courthouse for a Digi-peater for a DX
cluster repeater for our area. Carl
bought a used 2M transceiver and has a TNC to use for this purpose.
insurance cost for both repeaters is $138 and with the small amount of club
members we have the dues just cover the insurance. Dan, W5AOV, suggested that we revise the insurance to cover the
cost of a new repeater only. The cost
of a 25W 2M or 440 Yaesu Vertex repeater is $1200 each. This should cut the price down more than
half. Dan will check with ARRL
insurance for a price. Currently we are
insuring about $8000 of radios, antennas, duplexers and controller. The 440 repeater and controller is very old
and has been repaired many times. The
2M repeater is in good condition. As
the 440 machine belongs to Johnny Holmes, W5ALG, we need to check with him
before changing the coverage on his equipment.
new business was discussed. The meeting
was adjourned at 1946 hours.
Creek Tailgate fest is November 27th for those interested in
swapping equipment or just visiting.
W5KU, donated $20 for repeater operations.
This was the largest meeting we have had in quit a while with seven
members and spouses present. Dennis and
Brenda Alexander, Dan and Linda White, Carl and Linda Pleasant, Dave and Joy
Jenkins, Wade Eilers, Carl and DeAnn Hickman.