The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


           An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas


Mailing Address:

   P.O. Box 73

   Carmine TX 78932 

   Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month

   Repeaters: 145.410 (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

                      444.875   (W5SFA – PL 103.5)


-01  Officers:

   President, Wade Eilers, W5TEN

   Vice President, Brian Gaskamp,  KA5BKG     

   Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

   Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

   Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

The SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.





VOL. 9, #10

October, 2000


October Meeting 

The next SFARC meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 25 at Sillivan’s Restaurant (Highway 36 between Bellville and Kenney).    Dinner will be at 6:30 PM, with business meeting to follow. 


September Meeting

Wade Eilers, W5TEN at 7:15 PM, called the September meeting to order.  Members present were: 


W5TEN          Wade Eilers

K5KX             Dave Jenkins

K5OWC         Carl Hickman

W5AOV          Dan White

W5MPX         Carl Pleasant

N5LXG           Linda Pleasant

KA5BKG        Brian Gaskamp                 


The Treasurer’s report showed that the club has $458.75 available.


Bryan Gaskamp, KA5BKG, read the minutes of the previous meeting.  Carl Hickman, K5OWC, made a motion to accept these reports as read.  The motion was seconded by Dave Jenkins, K5KX, and approved.


Old Business:


The subject of insurance for Club equipment was discussed.  Dave Jenkins moved that the Club renew its current coverage; Carl Hickman seconded and the motion was approved.  Changes will be made to the policy to show Dave Jenkins’ address on the policy.


New Business:


The bike ride for the Sealy Lions Club went well -  SFARC  will be invited back to participate in the next year’s event.


Members are to call Joy Jenkins to find out what food needs to be brought to the BBQ  [See Note below.  Ed.].


The 2M repeater has moved to the tower west of Bellville, about 1 mile, where Mike Hardwick, N5VCX, has the 2M .88 repeater.  Mike’s repeater is at 375’ with 50 watts into a DB224 antenna.  Our repeater is at 275’ into a 8’ glass dual-bander with 18 watts going to the antenna.  This is a no-cost move for the club, since we are piggy-backing on Mike’s previous arrangement.  A motion was made by Dave Jenkins and seconded by Carl Hickman to make Mike an honorary member.  The motion carried unanimously.


Possible changes to the location of the “old” 2M antenna (currently installed at Sonny Feldtman’s, N5MNL) were discussed.  It was decided that the Club would leave the 2M antenna at Sonny’s house in case we lose the new tower space.  We have also recently been informed that SBEC has said we can have free space on their tower located in the middle of Bellville.  A more comprehensive repeater location plan will be developed in the near future that incorporates various tower/antenna locations (including Austin County Sheriff’s office) and repeater locations.  Stay tuned…


The following items pertaining to 2M repeater maintenance were identified, but no specific time to accomplish the tasks has been set:


·        Check battery voltage

·        Change the call sign id message error


         Meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM


Special Note


Due to a conflict in the scheduling of family activities, Dave and Joy Jenkins will not be able to host the Annual SFARC Barbecue on October 29 - the event will be rescheduled to sometime in the spring.


Coming Events


·        ARRL November Sweepstakes - CW  November 4-6 

·        ARRL November Sweepstakes – Phone        November 18-20