The Stephen
F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.
An Association
of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas
Mailing Address: 12172 FM-949
Cat Spring, TX 78933
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each
Repeaters: 145.410 (W5SFA – PL 100.0)
444.875 (W5SFA
– PL 103.5)
2001-02 Officers: President,
Carl Hickman, K50WC
President, Dennis Alexander, W5KU
Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV
Newsletter Editor/Publisher, Dave
Jenkins, K5KX
June 27, 2001 Meeting
The meeting of the Stephen F, Austin
Radio Club was called to order at 1900 hours by the president Carl Hickman,
K5OWC. Carl called for the reading of
the minuets of the last meeting. The
minuets were read by Dan White, W5AOV.
A motion was made by Dave Jenkins, K5KX, to accept the minuets as
read. It was seconded by Wade Eilers,
W5TEN. They were approved as read.
Carl Hickman called for the treasurers
report. The balance in the bank was
$384.89. A motion was made by Wade and
seconded by Linda Pleasant, N5LXG, to accept the report as read. It was accepted.
Old Business:
The slate of candidates for the 2001 –
2002 year was voted in with a vote of 7/0 in favor. Congratulations to the victors?!
New Business:
Dave presented the 2001 Field Day score
for W5SFA. We had a rousing, but not
winning, score of 720 points which was higher than last year. A lot of work went into the setup. The food was the highlight of the
evening. Everyone brought goodies and
the club provided the Ribs, Chicken and Sausage.
Dan suggested that we send out a survey
to all amateurs in the area. Current
members will send questions for the survey to Dan and he will present the
compiled questions at a meeting for approval.
Then he will send out the survey by email for those who have it and by
post for those who don’t. We will use
the QRZ database to find the Ham’s in our area.
Dan is to advertise in the local
papers, Bellville Times and the Sealy News, in the “coming events” section.
The antenna repairs are completed. A new phasing harness was installed on the
modified DB224A converting it to a DB224E.
The SWR is less than 1.2:1 from 138 MHZ to 150MHZ. At the repeater frequency it is 1.1:1. A motion was made by Linda to pay for the
phasing harness. Wade seconded the
motion and it was approved. The cost of
the harness was $161.85.
A discussion of where to put the “New
DB224” followed. SBEC, San Bernard
Electric Coop, had said we could use their tower for free. Dave made a motion to have Dan check with
SBEC to see if they were still willing and find out where on the tower we could
put the antenna. It was seconded by
Wade and approved.
Wade presented a very interesting
program on a weather balloon he found while at deer camp on field day. He did a show and tell on the
instrument. We wrote “W5SFA RC” on the
package before Wade shipped it back to the government. Hope we don’t get in trouble.
The meeting was adjourned after the
Submitted by:
Dan White