The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


             An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas



Mailing Address:          12172 FM-949

Cat Spring, TX 78933


Meetings:                      Last Wednesday of each month


Repeaters:                    145.410     (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

444.875     (W5SFA – PL 103.5)


2001-02 Officers:         President, Carl Hickman, K50WC

Vice President, Dennis Alexander, W5KU

Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

Newsletter Editor/Publisher, Dave Jenkins, K5KX



 July 25, 2001


Carl Hickman, K5OWC, called the meeting to order at 1934 hours.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  The Treasurer’s report was given and the balance was $384.89.


Members present were: Carl Hickman, K5OWC; Dan White, W5OAV; Carl Pleasant, W5MPX; Linda Pleasant, N5LXG and Dave Jenkins, K5KX.  Joy Jenkins was guest.


Old Business:


A request was made to pay Linda White $24.96 for the meat purchased for field day.  A motion was made by Dave Jenkins, K5KX and seconded by Linda Pleasant, N5LXG.  The vote was unanimous.


Dan White, W5AOV, talked to San Bernard Electric to see if they were still interested in letting the club use their tower for our repeaters.  After two weeks of discussion SBEC thought they would rather use the tower for internet services.  We would be restricted to 7 AM to 3 PM Monday through Friday to access our equipment and only put one radio and antenna up due to space limitations.  The club agreed not to pursue it any further.


New Business:


Carl, K5OWC and Dan, W5AOV went to the Texas City Ham feast and found several items to use for the antenna installation for our new DB-224.  A four foot stand-off mount, 7/8” hard line connector and Mast clamps.  The price was $65 for all.  A motion was made by Linda, N5LXG and seconded by Dave, K5KX to reimburse Carl for those parts.  The vote was unanimous.


Rod Rethwisch, Austin County Emergency Management, purchased the antennas and coax that the club recommended for emergency use; 225 feet of LMR-400, Diamond F22A 2M 6.7db, Diamond X200A 2M/70CM 6.0/8.0 db antenna.  Both antennas are rated at 112 mph.


Berry Lowe, a local resident whose father was a ham(SK), asked us to help him with his father’s old radio equipment.  Carl H. and Dan visited Berry twice to check out the transmitters and receivers and give him a price to ask for each.  Dan found a buyer on the internet for the DX-60B and a deal was struck.


The meeting was adjourned at 2020.