The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


           An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas


Mailing Address:

   P.O. Box 73

   Carmine TX 78932 

   Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month

   Repeaters:    145.410                  (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

                      444.875   (W5SFA – PL 103.5)

                           146.880            (WR5AAA – PL 203.5)


-01  Officers:

   President, Wade Eilers, W5TEN

   Vice President, Brian Gaskamp,  KA5BKG     

   Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

   Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

   Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

The SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.




VOL. 10, #2

February 28, 2001


The February SFARC meeting will be held Wednesday, February 28th, at Sillavan's Restaurant, between Bellville and Brenham on Highway 36.  Dinner begins at 6:30 PM with a business meeting to follow.


W5SFA January 31 Meeting


The meeting was called to order by Wade, W5TEN.  Members present were: Brian, KA5BKG; Dave, K5KX; Wade, W5TEN; Carl P, W5MPX; George, K5RTP; Dan, W5AOV; Carl H, K5OWC and Mike, N5VCX.  We had one visitor, Bruce Gaskamp, KB5MRP.


The minutes and treasurers report were read and accepted.


Old business:


Carl H and Dan worked on the 2M repeater. The call sign has been fixed and the battery was checked and is bad.  They worked on the 70CM repeater and fixed the ID volume level.  The audio level and deviation had to be set to maximum in the transmitter.


New business:


The storage battery needs to be replaced on the 2M repeater.  Carl H made a motion to buy a new battery.  It was seconded by Bryan.  The vote was unanimous.  Bryan will check at Tractor Supply about prices.


Mike talked about the April 14th MS150 and what new radio operations will be in place for the event.  A new APRS repeater is to be installed on the tower to handle the GPS positioning of vehicles.    A “Command Center” will be in Houston to oversee the ride.  We, the club, will need to assist Mike in March to install the new cabinet and repeater at the antenna site.  Mike will give us a firm date for this event later.


A motion to adjourn was made by George and seconded by Bryan.


Coming events:


Brenham Radio club swap meet at the Washington County Fairgrounds on 3/31.  Belton Hamfest 4/14.