The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


             An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas



Mailing Address:          12172 FM-949

Cat Spring, TX 78933


Meetings:                      Last Wednesday of each month


Repeaters:                    145.410     (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

444.875     (W5SFA – PL 103.5)


2001-02 Officers:         President, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

Vice President, Robert Croker, AD5ME

Secretary/Treasurer, Linda Pleasant, N5LXG



 February 25, 2004


The W5SFA Radio Club meeting was called to order by Dave Jenkins, K5KX, at 1900 hours. 


The January minutes were read and approved as read.  The Treasurer’s report was given and the balance is $582.58.


Old Business:


Robert will inform the repeater coordinator that the 146.96 repeater in Houston is now under the W5SFA/HAC merger and will be controlled by W5SFA.

The repeater duplexer is bad and parts will be replaced.  The repeater should be up the first week of March.  A motion for a $100 gift check for parts and service on the repeater was made by Robert and was seconded by Wade.  It passed by voice vote.




Kathy, KB5ITB, called the HAC annual meeting to order for the final vote to merge the two clubs into the W5SFA radio club.  Don & Sue Shurman, WB5SHT & WB5SHS will be honorary members.  The bank balance is $____________ and will be deposited in the W5SFA checking account at Wells Fargo in Bellville.   Dave made a motion to accept the offer of HAC.  The motion was seconded by Carl, K5OWC.  It was approved by voice vote.


Tom of Star WISP has offered W5SFA use of his tower in Cat Spring, TX in trade for sweat equity in keeping up his building.  It was decided to wait until the March county elections were over to make a decision.


The Bellville Hospital radio is ready to install.  March 12th was the day picked to do the installation.


Robert will talk to Mike Hardwick about T-Shirts.  Mike will try to make the next meeting as he had an emergency and could not attend this meeting.  The MS-150 bike ride is April 17th and Mike Hardwick, N5VCX, needs all of the operators he can find.  Current volunteers are Wade, Industry; Dave, Nelsonville; Carl, the fair grounds.


New Business:


We have two new members:  Tom Stokes, KD5MER and Valerie Eakin, KD5MIC.  They moved from Houston this past summer to Bellville.  Welcome.


Election candidates of 2004/2005 officers must be presented at the next meeting so it can be published and voted on during the May meeting.  Our year ends May 31st and the new officers take over in June.


The Brenham Ham Swap Meet is scheduled for Saturday, March 20, 8 AM to 12 Noon.


Submitted by

Dan White

Acting Sec/Tres.



Thomas Stokes, KD5MER

6587 Stokes Road

Bellville, TX 77418


Email: majortom@ev1.net

Home: 979-865-2031

Cell:    713-545-0989


Valerie Eakin, KD5MIC

6587 Stokes Road

Bellville, TX 77418


B/Home: 281-890-2513

Cell:        713-545-0742