The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


           An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas


Mailing Address:

   P.O. Box 73

   Carmine TX 78932 

   Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month

   Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)

                      444.875   (W5SFA)

1999-00  Officers:

   President, Carl Hickman, K5OWC

   Vice President, Wade Eilers,  W5TEN     

   Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

   Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX

   Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX

The SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.






VOL. 8, #8

August, 1999



August Meeting 

         The SFARC August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 25, at the Bellville Restaurant, on the courthouse square, in Bellville.   Dinner will be at 6:30 with business meeting to follow.



July Meeting 

         The July meeting was held on Wednesday, July 28. 


         Attendees:      Wayne Howell (W5GIP) and Mary

                                Wade Eilers (W5TEN)

                                Linda Pleasant(N5LXG)

                                Carl Pleasant (W5MPX)

                                Rick Waldrop (KC5BFN)

                                Carl Hickman (K5OWC) and DeAnn

                                Dan White (W5AOV) and Linda


         Dinner and meeting were held at Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant.  Wayne Howell announced that he would be moving in August to Conroe.  Rick Waldrop gave Linda White a check from the old bank in Katy to close the account.  Field Day was reminisced and all agreed that a good time was had.


         An account was opened at the Austin County State Bank in Bellville.  The deposit was for $525.69.  The Club officers are on the checking account, which requires two signatures.  There are two outstanding debits on the new account.  Concrete for the 440 repeater tower and Field Day expenses.  These will be handled at the August meeting.


         We have received four QSL cards from Field Day contacts.  Dan White has designed a QSL card to send to them.  The card will be handed out at the August meeting.



Repeater News:


         Both repeaters had problems this month - these were fixed by Dan White (W5AOV), Carl Hickman (K5OWC), and Wade Eilers (W5TEN).


         First, the battery on the 2 meter unit ran dry.  Wade Eilers filled it up and it is now working. 


         Then the power supply in the 440 machine shorted a pre‑regulator transistor (2N3054).  Dan and Carl mounted a new transistor on a standoff with a socket and heat sink, and then installed a 24 volt fan above the power supply.  So far it is working.  Dave (KK5KX) brought his antenna checker and checked the coax for shorts.  It checked OK, but the SWR at the hard-line feed showed 3.2.  The SWR at the duplexer was 2.0.  It looks like the antenna is not 50 ohms.  When it is cooler maybe Wade can make a trip to the top and we can figure out what’s going on…



Dues are Due:


         Attached is the Club roster according to the records of our esteemed Secretary.  Please provide him (danwhite@argolink.net) with any updates.  Note the column reflecting the status of dues paid (and unpaid).  Dues are now due – please remit.


Coming Events:


First Annual (second planned) SFARC Barbecue and End of Summer Party:

Time:         Some weekend in October

Location:  TBD



Background Noise:


Have you started using the Internet since the last Newsletter?  If so, please let Dave, KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net or dfjenkins@equiva.com), have your e-mail address(es).  We now have more than half of the recipients getting their Newsletter via the ‘net – a considerable postage savings (not to mention reduction in folding, enveloping, stamp-sticking, etc.).


Note:  We recently switched to MS Outlook from Eudora Pro 4.x, so we may encounter some bugs in distribution lists, attachment handling, etc.  If you see something awry in your e-mailed Newsletter, please let me know ASAP.




Alexander      Dennis                        W5KU              1964 F M 1094                      Sealy                      77474-            409-885-4838                         

B V A R C        Editor              BVARC                        P.O. Box 1630                        Missouri City     77459-1630                                      

Barnes            Chester           K3QXM           5953 Crane Blvd                   Lakeland                   33809-7621                          

Burns              Bob                 W5SJS                        9335 Hwy 6 North                 Houston                77095-            713-626-8147

Chovanetz      Al                     WD5FBS         1420 Ward Bend Rd              Sealy               77474-4108               409-885-7964                                                        6/00

Davis Jr.         Robert             WD5HRE        Rt. 2 Box 127                         Hempstead     77445-            409-826-8864

Eilers               Wade               W5TEN            POB 95                                   Carmine            78932-            409-278-3645           w5ten@phoenix.net            6/99

Feldtman       Sonny              N5MNL           Box 1118                                Bellville                  77418-            409-865-9689                                                        6/00

Feldtman        Frank              KC5HVK         Rt. 2 Box 336                         New Ulm             78950-9802               409-732-6001

Gaskamp        Brian               KA5BKG         204 Cornish Dr.                     Brenham        77833-            409-251-8024            bkgaskamp@alpha1.net     6/00

Glueck            Allen               W5GHK           Box 818                                  Brookshire               77423-            281-375-5160                      

Gochenour    Tom                 KC5KYR          1107 Hollis Dr.                       Brenham        77833-            409-836-1720

Grabenstein    Ken                 KE5IV              P O B 922                               Hempstead             77445-            409-826-6766

Grahmann      Tony                KC5TLK          Rt. 1, Box 266                        Chappel Hill   77426-            409-   -           

Ham                Bob                 N5GCU           750 Anderson Lane               Brenham        77833-            409-   -           

Hickman        Carl                 K5OWC           145 Wendt Rd                        Bellville                  77418-            409-865-2111           k5owc@arrl.net                   6/99

Hluchan Jr.    Charles           N5KWE           19906 Jasperwood                Katy                       77449-            409-   -           

Hluchan, Sr.  Charles           N5XVY                        P.O. Box 114                          Sealy                      77474-            409-885-6931

Holmes           Johnny            W5ALG           P. O. Box 1524                       Houston                    77251-1524               409-   -           

Hughes           Chuck             KC5NMQ        241 S. Masonic                      Bellville                  77418-            409-865-2765

Hutin              Remi               F6CNB                        Rt. 2 Box 34h                         New Ulm        78950-            409-732-9586

Jenkins           David              KK5KX                        Box 111                                  Kenney                     77452-0111               409-836-3544 djenkins@phoenix.net       6/00

Katy ARS         Editor              KARS               Box 200                                  Katy                 77492-0200   409-               

Louis               Arthur             W5MMO         181 FM 1456                         Bellville            77418             409-865-2442

Miller              Clifford            KB5NCU         Box 22                                    Carmine                    78932-            409-278-3390                                                         6/99

Patterson        Wilbert Koehn WA5RUE        Rte. 1, Box 52                        Weimar                     78962-9513               409-   -           

Pfeiffer            Harry               W5CTZ            615 Nelius Rd #15                 Bellville                  77418-            409-865-2889                                                        6/99

Pfeiffer            Lyl                   N5GKN           615 Nelius Rd #15                 Bellville                  77418-            409-865-2889                                            6/99

Phillips            Neil                 N1FGD           1149 Rice St                           Hempstead     77445-            409-826-4120

Pleasant          Carl                 W5MPX                                                                                                                                   raondo@intertex.net

Pleasant          Linda               N5LXG                                                                                                                                                raondo@intertex.net

Reese              Larry               WB5RTT         P O Box 65                             Kenney                     77452-            409-865-9336 hoppy@c-com.net             6/00

Routt               John                KC5OJT          P O Box 123                           Kenney                     77452-            409-   -

Sarkozi            TDXS, Dave    WB5N             P.O. Box 540291                   Houston                    77254-0291               409-   -           

Toalson           David              K5DQG           330 Meissner Rd                    Bellville                  77418-            409-865-2740

Ullrich Jr.        George            K5RTP             PO Box 167                            Ledbetter                  78946-            409-249-3730                                            6/99

Umland           J.C.                 W5JU              PO Box 100                            Waller                     77484-            281-898-1153          

Waldrop          Rick                 KC5BFU         Box 64                                    San Felipe                 77473-0064               409-885-4631                                           6/99

Walker            Greg                KC5BFW         20918 Timber Ridge Dr.        Magnolia                   77355             713-356-9653

White              Dan                 W5AOV           12172 FM-949                       Cat Spring                78933             409-865-0300            danwhite@argolink.net      6/00