The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.
An Association of Amateur Radio
Operators in the
Mailing Address:
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month
Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)
444.875 (W5ALG)
1998-99 Officers:
President, Larry Reese, WB5RTT
Vice President, Carl Hickman, K5OWC
Secretary/Treasurer, Rick Waldrop, KC5BFU
Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in
becoming members.
VOL. 7, #8
August, 1998
August Meeting
next SFARC meeting will be held Wednesday, August 26, at the Bellville Restaurant,
on the courthouse square, in Bellville.
Dinner begins at
Section 2 - Levels
Provide Membership to the widest possible group of applicants, the following
division in membership levels will be provided to those eligible:
Full (voting) Licensed Amateurs and
members of their immediate families living in the same household.
Honorary (non-voting) Elected
by proclamation (no fee).
July Meeting
The subject
of Club memberships was discussed -- members decided to do away with the
multi-level membership structure currently provided for in Section 2 of the
Club’s constitution. Dave Jenkins
volunteered to draft proposed modifications to the Constitution to be voted on
at the August meeting.
[None that really come to mind…]
Background Noise . . .
Surely some of
you have started using the Internet in the last few months -- the ‘net makes a
convenient way for you to receive this Newsletter in a timely manner, and saves
the Club money at the same time.
If you have become an Internet user but haven’t started receiving the
Newsletter electronically, please let Dave, KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net
or jenkidf@texaco.com), have your e-mail address(es). Also, please indicate whether your mail
service has the capability to receive attached documents.
1998-1999 dues
are due. If you haven’t already done so,
please remit to Rick Waldrop either in person at the next meeting, or at his
home QTH:
If you’ve been recently active (i.e., paid your dues) you will remain on the Newsletter mailing list for awhile – no telling how long, though, so get your $ in ASAP.