The Stephen F.
Austin Radio Club, Inc.
Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the
Mailing Address:
Meetings: Last
Wednesday of each month
Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)
444.875 (W5SFA)
1999-00 Officers:
President, Carl
Hickman, K5OWC
Vice President, Wade
Eilers, W5TEN
Dan White, W5AOV
Newsletter Editor,
Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
Newsletter Publisher,
Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
The SFARC Newsletter
is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.
8, #9
September meeting will be held on Wednesday,
September 29, at the Bellville Restaurant, on the courthouse square, in
Bellville. Dinner will be at
August meeting was held on Wednesday, August 25.
Attendees: Wade Eilers (W5TEN)
Jenkins (KK5KX)
Reese (WB5RTT)
Waldrop (KC5BFN)
Hickman (K5OWC) and XYL DeAnn
White (W5AOV) and XYL Linda
and meeting were held at the Bellville Restaurant.
Old Business:
The Club
reimbursed Carl (K5OWC) for the unpaid ($129.80) concrete for the new tower for
the 440 repeater. Wade (W5TEN) and Carl paid for one yard each of the five
yards of concrete required. Clay (KG5DC) used his back-hoe to dig the 5’ x 5’ x
5’ hole, Wade made a re-bar cage to put in the hole, Carl, Dan (W5AOV) and Dave
(KK5KX) built the forms and worked the concrete. Wade erected the tower after
the cure. The repeater has been in full operation for several months now.
New Business:
Carl will
check on insurance, hardware and liability for the club equipment and
A Bar-B-Que
has been scheduled for Saturday, October 23, at
The Christmas
party will be discussed in the October meeting. Carl volunteered his house for
the event.
The Club
trustee for the 440 repeater is still listed as Tom (K5RC) with the FCC. Dan
suggested that it be changed to Carl. It was mentioned that possibly Tom
"owns" the call sign W5SFA. Wade said he would contact Tom and see if
he would allow Carl to assume the trusteeship.
Carl will
check with the Austin Fair to see if the Club could setup a small booth to show
off our talents and recruit new members, for free of course.
Carl suggested
that SkyWarn class be started and open to area Hams and Emergency people. Dave
will talk to the
The Club
agreed to send a QSL card to W09S for a contact during Field Day. We were
on-the-air on 6 meters at that time but did not enter it into the log.
A discussion
was held regarding the status of current membership roster. The current Club
roster was reviewed and 15 former members were dropped from Active status due
to a lack of any evidence of further interest in Club activities. Attached is
the revised roster. Once again, if you have any changes to be made to the
information thereon, please give it to Dan White, W5AOV.
Points of Interest
The Club has three VE’s to give test to
new and existing Hams. They are Dave, Wade and Larry (WB5RTT) and can
administer all classes of tests.
The Club has a balance of $419.41 in
the Austin County Bank. We have eleven paid members and two life members. There
are a few on the list that I am not sure of. Please let me know your status per
the attached members list.
Dan White (W5AOV)
is working at putting the newsletters on his web site. He has the Club
information, repeaters and meeting, on his site now. Its URL is:
Repeater News:
worth repeating.
Dues are Still Due:
Dues are now due – please remit.
Coming Events:
First Annual
(second planned) SFARC Barbecue and End of Summer Party:
Time: Saturday, October 23,
Location: Dave Jenkins’ - Kenney
Background Noise:
Have you
started using the Internet since the last Newsletter? If so, please let Dave,
KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net or dfjenkins@equiva.com), have your e-mail address(es). We now have the majority of Newsletter
recipients getting their Newsletter via the ‘net – a considerable postage
savings (not to mention reduction in folding, enveloping, stamp-sticking,