Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.
An Association of Amateur Radio
Operators in the
Mailing Address:
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month
Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)
444.875 (W5ALG)
1998-99 Officers:
President, Larry Reese, WB5RTT
Vice President, Carl Hickman, K5OWC
Secretary/Treasurer, Rick Waldrop, KC5BFU
Editor, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in
becoming members.
VOL. 7, #9
September, 1998
Special Notice: September Meeting
Date Change
The September
meeting will be in October, this year – waddya think of that! Due to restaurant scheduling conflicts, the
next SFARC meeting will be held Thursday, October 1, at the
Bellville Restaurant, on the courthouse square, in Bellville. Dinner will be at
The following members attended:
NJ1V John
KK5KX Dave
WB5RTT Larry
K5OWC Carl
W5TEN Wade
K5RTP George
W5AOV Dan White (new member)
Members voted to have a Club picnic this year in lieu
of the October meeting. The
picnic will be held Sunday, October 18, at the home of Dave (KK5KX) and Joy
Jenkins. Members and families are
invited to arrive around
Driving instructions to Jenkins’ QTH: from the intersection of
John, NJ1V, reported that the W5 DX Bash
will be held the same weekend as the Belton Hamfest at the ranch of W5KFT on
On the ‘net, visit http://www.dxer.org/w5bash/ to get more information regarding this event. I visited that page, and it looks like it’s a great opportunity to get out into the country and to meet other Texas hams.
A final vote on proposed changes to the Club Constitution
regarding membership structure was made, and the proposed changes (see August
Newsletter) were adopted unanimously.
Below is a reprint of the applicable section of the Constitution, as
Section 2 - Levels
Provide Membership to the widest possible group of applicants, the following
division in membership levels will be provided to those eligible:
Full (voting) Licensed Amateurs and
members of their immediate families living in the same household.
(non-voting) Elected by proclamation (no
Coming Events
2 – 4 W5 DX Bash, Tow, Texas
October 3 Belton Hamfest
October 18 First annual SFARC Fall Picnic
Background Noise . . .
Surely some of
you have started using the Internet in the last few months -- the ‘net makes a
convenient way for you to receive this Newsletter in a timely manner, and saves
the Club money at the same time.
If you have become an Internet user but haven’t started receiving the
Newsletter electronically, please let Dave, KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net
or jenkidf@texaco.com), have your e-mail address(es). (If your mailer does not have the ability to
handle attachments in MS Word format, you will have to continue receiving the
Newsletter via snail mail, until I iron out some technical problems – sorry…)
1998-1999 dues
are due. If you haven’t already done so,
please remit to Rick Waldrop either in person at the next meeting, or at his
home QTH:
Box 64
San Felipe, TX
If you’ve been recently active (i.e., paid your dues) you will remain on the Newsletter mailing list for awhile – no telling how long, though, so get your $ in ASAP.