The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.
An Association of Amateur Radio
Operators in the
Mailing Address:
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month
Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)
444.875 (W5ALG)
1998-99 Officers:
President, Larry Reese, WB5RTT
Vice President, Carl Hickman, K5OWC
Secretary/Treasurer, Rick Waldrop, KC5BFU
Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in
becoming members.
VOL. 8, #3
March, 1999
March Meeting
The March
meeting will be held on Wednesday, March
31, at the Bellville Restaurant, on the courthouse square, in
Bellville. Dinner will be at
Field Day
Still on the agenda: does SFARC want to join BVARC for a joint Field Day effort?
It’s that time of year again. We need to have some volunteers to serve as office-holders for the coming year. This next meeting will be your chance to a) participate in the nomination process, and b) watch your back (if you’re not there, who knows – you may end up getting nominated!
Members present:
Wade W5TEN
Brian KA5BKG
Carl K5OWC
Dave KK5KX
Field Day
A discussion
of the BVARC offer to mount a joint Filed Day was discussed and tabled.
We will need
operators for three stations. SFARC will
not be acting as lunch break Net Control this year -–that duty will be handled
by MS 150 personnel. We will need to man
woman person three checkpoints only.
As of now, we still have a need for one or two more volunteers. If you would like to help out, please get in
touch with Wade W5TEN, who is coordinating this Club activity.
The Brenham club will be sponsoring a swap meet at the Washington Count Fairgrounds on April 10. Contact Brian Gaskamp KA5BKG if you would like more information.
The Club presented Alex and Beth a card and check to congratulate them on the birth of their daughter.
The Brenham Club has a web page: www.alpha1.net/~barc check it out…
ACRA funded and installed a new 2M antenna at the repeater
site last Saturday. From all reports it
has been performing spectacularly well (especially vis
a vis the previously installed antenna).
Yesterday I managed to bring it up from about 6 miles W. of Giddings,
using my glass-mounted Larson dual-bander, so I guess it hears just fine.
Dan, W5AOV, has prepared a list of current members and those
who, for one reason or another, are still receiving Newsletters – I am
attaching a copy of that list to this Newsletter. Please let me know (409/836-3544 or
djenkins@phoenix.net) if you spot any errors that need correcting.
Noise . . .
anyone started using the Internet since the last Newsletter? If so, please let Dave, KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net
or dfjenkins@equiva.com),
have your e-mail address(es). (If your mailer does not have the ability to
handle attachments in MS Word format, you will have to continue receiving the
Newsletter via snail mail, until I iron out some technical problems – sorry…)